Blog Post #5

Electoral College Vs Popular Vote

In this blog I will be talking about the sharing my opinion on the electoral college and the popular vote. If you don't know what these two things are, the electoral college is a system based on the population of the state in which is decided how many votes they are allowed. If a candidate is able to receive 270 votes from the Electoral College they are elected president automatically. The popular vote is the people's vote, if you are in favor of a candidate, you will place a vote for that candidate and they will all be counted and the candidate with the most votes wins the popular vote. In my opinion I believe in more of the popular vote because I feel like we are educated enough to make a good decision as a nation. The Electoral College was made for uneducated people in the 1804 when not a lot of people had the privilege of being educated. Times have changed and most people had some sort of education growing up, we can't be living in the pass because everything is evolving and our education has evolved drastically.

Image result for fox news logo
Pro Electoral College: 
News Organization: Fox News
Article Title: "Why do Democrats want to dump the Electoral College?"
Author: Bryan Dean Wright
Date Published: September 12th, 2017
Summary: Democrats want to get rid of the electoral college because they lost. They want to advocate for “elegant” runaround which is officially labeled as Interstate Compact. The Interstate Compact where states pool their electors for whichever candidate wins the national vote irrespective of their state’s vote.

The news organization fox news, I believe published this because the person who wrote this article is a democrat and he’s mad at democrats because they are sort of acting like sore losers. Fox news being more on the conservative side helps them because it shows that a democrat is frustrated at other democrats. Also if you look at his other articles it is all republican views so I believe this is untrustworthy. He doesn’t really have any evidence to support his claims and he just says democrats are salty with a lot of bias. His argument for example, "Had it been Hillary Clinton who won the Electoral College while losing the popular vote, we wouldn’t be pushing for this “elegant” solution" isn’t really convincing because everything he says seems bias but it is confusing because he keeps saying he is a democrat.

Image result for splinter news logoAnti Electoral College:
News Organization: Splinter
Article Title: "The Electoral College Is Stupid And if You Support it You Are Also Stupid"
Author: Paul Blest
Date Published: 3/22/2019
Summary: The electoral college is a dumb concept because it doesn't let the people have a say and limits their voices.

Blest's argument was pretty well supported by evidence, he used what people said on twitter, graphs and some statistics to support his argument of how the Electoral College doesn't allow for the people to have a say and how it limits their voice. There is a downfall in his argument however, he uses a lot of profanity in his argument which results in him losing credibility because people will think that this guy is crazy and unprofessional. For example, he calls the people who are in support of the electoral college stupid and morons which is not professional at all.


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